Psychology, asked by alapapjosephi079, 1 month ago

Test since grade 4​


Answered by sakshamramola28

Answer =

To find your maximum heart rate you

subtract your age from 220

add your age to 220

divide your age by 220

multiply your age by 220

Grade 6Fitness

What is the advantage to exercise?

Improved quality of life

Decrease chronic disease

Stress relief

All of the above

Grade 10Fitness

To maximize your workout, you should always breathe      in     on the recovery stroke and       out      on the power stroke.

Grade 8Fitness

Flexibility is best described as the:

Ability to exert force

Ability to work the muscle over a period of time

Range of movement possible at various joints

The ability to bend and touch the toes.

Grade 9Fitness

Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio of a person's weight to his or her



activity level

basal metabolic rate

Grade 10Fitness

Running, swimming, and using an elliptical machine are all ways to improve your:


muscular strength

cardiorespiratory endurance

muscular endurance

Grade 12Fitness

What is the minimum amount of regular physical activity that has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer?

1 hour per day, every other day

30 minutes at a time, 3 times per week

15 minutes of intense exercise, every day

None, physical activity has not been shown to reduce the risk of developing any form of cancer.

Grade 8Fitness

Which of these statements describe the results of exercise?

breathing rate decreases to increase oxygen flow to muscles

breathing rate increases to increase oxygen flow to muscles

breathing rate decreases to reduce oxygen flow to muscles

breathing rate decreases to increase carbon dioxide flow to muscles

Grade 4Fitness

The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during physical activity for a long period of time.

Cardiovascular Endurance


Body Composition


Grade 6Fitness

The ability to do activities for more than a few minutes is




Body Composition

Grade 7Fitness

The best fitness foods include all except               



Soft drinks

Plenty of water

Grade 5Fitness

Doing push-ups.

aerobic endurance


muscular strength

Grade 6Fitness

Teens should spend                 performing physical activity every day, or at least most days.

30 minutes

45 minutes

60 minutes

90 minutes

Grade 9Fitness

Muscular endurance is the

muscles' ability to work for a long time without tiring

same as cardiorespiratory fitness

amount of force a muscle can exert

same as body strength

Grade 10Fitness

Yoga requires the participant to

breath deeply

practice balance

remain focused

all of the above

Grade 7Fitness

Exercises that do not maintain a raised heart rate are                ?





Grade 1Fitness

Which 2 are components of health related fitness?

Breathing and running

Flexibility and muscular strength

Muscular endurance and push-ups

Jogging and swimming

Grade 6Fitness

The ability to change direction of the body position effectively is




Grade 5Fitness

The ability of your heart and lungs to efficiently move and use oxygen throughout your body over a period of time is called

Body composition


Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance

Cardiovascular Endurance

Grade 5Fitness

The ability of your joints and muscles to move in their full range of motion is called

Body composition


Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance

Cardiovascular Endurance

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