physically challenged people do not need sympathy they need encouragement discuss
I work frequently with the disabled population at the community college where I am employed. It has been my finding that those who are challenged in any way do not need or want sympathy any more than a perfectly abled-bodied individual.
As far as support goes, we ALL need support! I view "support" as being day-to-day having someone in your court, usually friends or family.
It is part of my job to provide assistance / accomodations for testing. Sometimes this means reading a test aloud for a visually impaired student, or one with visual processing difficulties. Sometimes I have to scribe a test for students who are physically unable to write.
The cool thing that I've found in working with these so-called disabled students has been this . . . Most of them work HARDER to achieve their goals and show FEWER signs of discouragement or frustration than a so-called normal student.
Makes me think that all of us could use a little more support in our lives!
Physically challenged people don't require any time of sympathy but requires encouragenent .they can perform all the work which a normal person do only by motivation .giving them the confidence that they can handle all work easily
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