Physics, asked by MysterySoul, 2 months ago

Physics question!!!
State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these :

(1) An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity.
(2) An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in a perpendicular direction. ​


Answered by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix



\huge{\sf{Required \ Answer:-}}

According to the given question, there are many possible situations, which may appear as illusion, but possible. Let us see how this happens.

[1]An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity.

Here, let us consider a ball. We would consider the final velocity in this case. Now, consider yourself in a garden. You are playing with the ball, and throw it upwards. Now, these observations will be noticed:-

[1] The effort given by you to throw the ball = u or Initial Velocity.

[2] The gravitational pull of earth to pull down the ball = g

[3] Time taken by the ball to go up and come down = t

[4] Velocity after reaching top most position = v.

Now, we can see acceleration is constant. This is only and only because the final velocity obtained is zero.

So, first condition is proved.

[2]An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in a perpendicular direction.

Let us consider a car. In that car, you are travelling, or vacationing in a hilly areas.

We know that hilly areas have curved roads. (Because, if it will have straight roads, extensive gravitational pull will take place, and car will not move up).

So, as the car is moving, the wheels are also rotating. Now, the observation in this case will be:-

Car is moving in circular direction, accelerated perpendicular. This is because of the tangentional acceleration, and the note here is in a circle, the radius and the tangent are perpendicular to each other.

Hence, 2nd case also proved.

\huge{\rm{Did \ you  \ know?}}

Displacement is always equal to or smaller than Distance .

Many instances prove it is smaller, but equal have you heard?

Consider yourself driving a car in a straight highway. Notice the direction of the car moving. We can now state:-

Distance = 60 km [Assumed]

Displacement will also be 60 km, no short distance takes place in straight highway.

So, we conclude that in a straight line in uniform velocity distance and displacement are equal.

Answered by VinCus


{ \huge{ \underline{ \underline{ \frak{ \red{Required \: answer : }}}}}}

An object with a constant

acceleration but with zero velocity..

  • The term acceleration implies that the velocity of the object is changing.

  • The vertical projection of particle is one example.

  • When an object is thrown in upward direction, at the maximum height the velocity of the object becomes zero but still in that condition a constant acceleration due to gravity is working


An Object moving in a certain

direction with an acceleration in a

perpendicular direction...

  • Object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in perpendicular direction is possible; in case of circular motion.

  • When an object moves on a circular path, its direction is along the tangent of the circle but the centripetal acceleration is towards the radius of the circle.

  • We know, that a tangent always makes a right angle with the radius; so when an object is in circular motion, the acceleration and velocity are in mutually perpendicular direction.


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