PHYSIOGRAPHIC DIVISION Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh can be divided into 3 major topographical regions: Siwalik foothills of Himalayas and the Terai region border U.P. on the north. Gangetic plains constitute the major central portion of the state. Vindhya Range and plateau lie in a relatively smaller part of southern U.P
West Bengal is flat and featureless alluvial plains. Southern Bengal is predominantly made up of the delta of river Ganga. 1% of the state area is mountainous, the 6% plateau fringe and Purulia triangle of upland along the western border.
Karnataka is divided into three physical regions based on its structure and relief. The three regions are the coastal plains, Malnad region and Maidan region.
On the basis of homogeneity, continuity and physiographic characteristics, Odisha has been divided into five major morphological regions : the Odisha Coastal Plain in the east, the Middle Mountainous and Highlands Region, the Central plateaus, the western rolling uplands and the major flood plains.