English, asked by apansk, 10 months ago

Pick out the nouns in the fallowing sentences Proper Noun Common noun,collective noun,abstract noun 1)The people who live in Holland are called Dutch 2)Are you speaking truth? 3)Columbs discovered America 4)Mumbai is a big city 5)Solomon was famous for his wisdom 6)He treats his children with great kindness 7)Agra has many fine buildings 8)Ashoka was a great king 9)The wind and the sun had a quarrel 10)Kolkata is on the banks of Hooghly 11) The girl showed great courage​


Answered by shruti1859


  1. people- common noun,

Holland - proper noun

Dutch - collective noun

2. Truth - abstract noun

3. Columbus, America - proper


4. Mumbai- proper noun

city - common noun

5. Solomon - Proper noun

wisdom - abstract noun

6. children - common noun

kindness- abstract noun

7. Agra - Proper noun

buildings - common noun

8. Ashoka - proper noun

king- common noun

9. Sun - proper noun

10. Kolkata - proper noun

Hoogly - proper noun

11. Girl - Common noun

courage - abstract noun

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