English, asked by anathapa8550, 10 months ago

Pick out the poetic device "not move our arms so much ".


Answered by ankush007pnia


It is Metaphor.............................................

Answered by manisharai953

The poetic device that is used in the line "Now we will count to twelve and not move our arms as much" is assonance.

  • In a sentence or phrase, assonance is the recurrence of vowel sounds in words that are close to one another.
  • Prose can also use assonance to emphasise the key words, thus creating an atmosphere, and giving it a poetic aspect.
  • Assonance's use of repetition adds rhythm, atmosphere, and emphasis to your work because it has a comparable impact on readers to a rhyme, assonance is frequently referred to as "vowel rhyme."
  • The term "room," "tunes," and "soon" all include the same "oo" sound, which not only establishes a rhythm but also instils a sense of urgency.
  • Despite the fact that "room" and "tune" don't actually rhyme, their similar vowel sounds have a similar impact.

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