Pick out the pronouns and state their kinds. (a) Which do you prefer tea or milk? (b) The watchman robbed the bank himself. © Either of these roads leads to the airport. (d) None of the students could answer the question.
Which do you prefer tea or milk? = Indefinite pronoun
The watchman robbed the bank himself = Reflexive pronoun
Either of these roads leads to the airport. = Distributive Pronoun
None of the students could answer the question = Demonstrative pronoun
Indefinite pronoun
The pronoun which indicates some unspecified person or thing is called indefinite pronoun. Examples: All, both, nobody, no one, somewhat, someone, much, few,
neither, either, something, anybody, anyone, any etc.
Reflexive pronoun
Examples: All, both, nobody, no one, somewhat, someone, much, few,
neither, either, something, anybody, anyone, any etc.
These pronouns are used to stress that the subject did the work himself. They refer to the subject. They are formed by adding self or selves to my, your, him, her, and our.
Distributive Pronoun
It refer to persons or things one at a time are called distributive pronouns. They are always singular and take singular verb.
Examples: Neither, either, each
Demonstrative pronoun
The pronoun which is used to point out things and persons mentioned afterwards is called demonstrative pronoun.
Examples: These, those, this, that, none, one’s, such, the same etc.