English, asked by sohamc060, 3 months ago

pick out the verb in the following sentences, and tell this case whether the verb is transitive or intransitive. where the verb
is transitive, name th object . work in pairs if you like.

1) Take your books and go home.
2) My new watch keeps good time.
3) The clock stopped this morning.
4) Mother teresa win the Nobel prize in 1979.
5) Humty Dumpty had a great fall.
6) The crow sat on the branch and cawed.
7)They videographed the function.
8) Rama loves work but Abdul hates it.
9) The beggar sat down by the side of the road.

Send me correct answer only.
otherwise answer will be reported.​

I need full answer.​


Answered by VeekshaSaklani


1) take - transitive, object - books; go - intransitive

2) keeps - transitive, object - good time

3) stopped - intransitive

4) won - transitive, object - the Nobel Prize

5) had - transitive, object - a great fall

6) sat - intransitive

7) videographed - transitive, object - the function

8) loves - transitive, object - work; hates - transitive, object - it(work)

9) sat - intransitive

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