pick the option that showcases the usage of host. as in the extract cbse class 10 from the chapter Nelson Mandela a long walk to freedom
She was able to host the event without any hin drance
Mandela addressed freedom as a newborn baby because it was the first time when South Africa became an independent nation, which means from now on all people will enjoy freedom. so he addressed freedom as a newborn baby
Mandela knew that freedom is indivisible because the chains on any one of his people were chains on all of them. “Long Walk to Freedom” book. It includes the description of the inauguration ceremony and citations from his speech and about his journey to being a freedom fighter. It says about the other countless people who fought for their freedom. In South Africa, a brutal practice named “apartheid” was very popular in those days. It referred to the discrimination between people on the basis of their race and colour. It was one of the most brutal societies in which dark-skinned people were deprived of their basic rights. This lesson gives us an overview of the struggles of Mandela for make a society with no discrimination on the basis of colour, caste, race, age, or gender.