English, asked by baruasurajit71, 9 hours ago

picture composition of childhood memories of four friends


Answered by sangameshsuntyan

Answer :

have a nice day
















Answered by Therudegirl


T.h.e... m.e.m.o.r.ie.s o.f Ch.i.ld.hoo.d.. have sp.eci.al.. si.gni.fi.cance... in one’s life and are che.ris.hed by almost everyone. As one grows up, one longs more and more for his childhood, the best pe.riod of one’s life. A child has no work worries or an.xieties. He is free from the stress and unple.asantness of ad.ult life. His m.otto of life remains “eat, drink and be me.rry.” The charm of childhood cannot be forg.otten. These memories leave an ever.lasting im.pressi.on on one’s life.

Same is the case with me. When I recollect the days of my childhood, I feel highly delighted; it was a ple.asant pe.riod that I spent in high sp.irits.

During my childhood, I was care.free and had no wo.rries at all. I used to w.ander like a deer in the open fi.elds, enjoying the natural beauty of the pas.tures.

There are certain incid.ents that are still fresh in my me.mory. For inst.ance, at the age of seven, I suff.ered seve.re attack of typ.hoid. In the ab.sence of p.roper diagn.osis, I was redu.ced to a ske.leton. After taking medi.cine for a suf.ficiently long period, I was cur.ed. The doctor advised me to go to some hill-sta.tion. So, my father took me to Shi.mla.

Once a jug.gler with two mo.nkeys came to our stre.et. He made the monkeys perform a short s.kit that had us nothing in laug.hter. Mr. Monkey fell in love with Miss Mon.key, but she re.fused to m.arry him. He then do.nned a colo.urful coat and went to her house and asked her father for her hand in ma.rriage. He agreed and they were cere.mon.iously united in marriage. All the while the man kept up a narrative which was all the more am.using because of his serious expr.ession.

Another incident, which I still remember, is the swi.mming experi.ence. It was a Sunday when my friends and I went for a pi.cnic to Ok.hla. Some boys were ex.pert swim.mers but unlu.ckily, I did not know how to swim. My friends d.ived into the river and comp.elled me to do the s.ame. Soon, I was cau.ght by the curr.ent of w.ater and was carried away sw.iftly. There was every poss.ibility of my being drow.ned but due to the val.our of one of my friends, I was res.cued and brought to the banks of the river. I was very gra.teful to him because he gave me a new lea.se of life.

The me.mories of my childhood days are still fresh in my mi.nd. Although I do wish that those days, full of pl.easure, come back, I know that it is a thing of the past. Time fl.ies on wi.ngs. I have to move on.

It is this bea.utiful pe.riod that has often been eulo.gised by poets and writers. Recol.lecting past is to plu.nge oursel.ves in a stat.e of melan.choly. Word.sworth, the imm.ortal poet of Engl.and and a great wors.hipper of nature, often describes his child.hood days in his po.ems. Child.hood, acco.rding to him, is full of pl.easures, th.rill and entertainment.

As I grow older, I look back with great nos.talgia to my childh.ood days filled with fu.n and f.rolic. I know they will never come back and hence I shall ch.erish those mem.ories till my last day.




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