Picturecomposition .Please help me in making sentenses of Sunny day and a ice cream seller
It is a sunny day and a ice cream seller is selling ice creams. The ducks with their ducklings are swimming in the pond and children are taking the delight of day. Other people are enjoying and basking the sunlight under the trees.
Concept: Picture Composition: image|the image Composition is often isolated into 3 examples wherever an understudy is approached to portray a picture given or create a story out of it or to speak and expound upon the contemplation and sentiments counseled by the given picture.
Given: A picture.
Find: Do picture composition.
It is a sunny day with warm heat. That's why children not playing in the park. A boy is lying on the ground and reading book under the shady tree. A girl is happy to see the ducks. Some ducks are swimming in pool. Ice cream man selling ice cream along the park. Children are loving to eat ice cream in these sunny days.