Biology, asked by rudrakshrichhariya6, 7 months ago

Pictures of a cage and a bird rotated very fast appears to be a bird in a cage, this is due to the persistence of vision. An infinity well is actually made of parallel mirrors. The “head on a platter” effect is achieved with mirrors as well. There are several such examples.  To effectively utilize your leisure time, carry out this fun activity of finding out the science behind some common optical illusions. Make a research report on "Investigating Optical Illusions". Use pictures to give insight into your research.​


Answered by mswami72


It is believed that the present work occupies a unique field in the extensive literature of magic. There are already a large number of treatises on natural magic and legerdemain, but in most of them very little attention has been given to the exposé of stage illusions, which are of great interest as they are so largely based on ingenious applications of scientific principles. Optics, mechanics, sound, and electricity have all been pressed into service by the fin de siècle prestidigitateur. In the present work great attention has been paid to elaborate tricks of this nature, and in many cases the exposés have been obtained from the prestidigitateurs themselves. In the first few chapters many of the best illusions of Robert-Houdin, Dr. Lynn, Professor Pepper, Bautier de Kolta, Heller, Herrmann, Maskelyne and Cooke, and Kellar will be found clearly explained.

Conjuring tricks have been by no means neglected, but the number of them which are given has been limited, owing to the fact that many of the books on magic have gone into this subject quite extensively. Ventriloquism, shadowgraphy, mental magic, etc., will also be found treated in the present work.


plZ follow me i love free fire i am tsg legend

Answered by 7rbchoudhury


I will do please mark as brainliest

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