pie chart representing sources of energy in diffrent parts of our country
These pie charts are in percentage breakdown. Sources of energies are Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear, and Hydro. There are three countries pie charts, which are United States, Western Europe, and China.
The major source of worldwide was Oil that is 40.2 percent. The second highest source of energy was Gas. Furthermore, Coal used as a source of energy in worldwide was twenty-eight percent. The lowest use for a source of energy was Hydro. In United States, the major source of energy was oil that was 1952 million tons. In addition, there was a small difference between gas and coal as a production of energy. The major production of energy in Western Europe was oil that was nearly fifty percent. The least usage of hydro in Europe that is 2.5%. Although, China was different from others because in other countries oil was a major source of energy but in China, oil and nuclear was least used. The primary source of energy in China was gas that was 79.3%.