Pink public school organised a rally for Sarva Shiksha abhiyan . the students were given square card board to write slogans.
1)draw the graph and hence find the coordinates of the vertics of the square ABCD taking the side 2a
a) AB and AD as axes
b) the centre of the square as the origin and axes parallel to the sides ABand AD
2)which values have been inculcated through this calculated
Answered by
Math, 19.08.2019 09:00, atharvakarawade1
And ab = 30 m.cbse 201343. find the area of the shaded region in the givenfigure, where a circular arc of radius 6 cm hasbeen drawn with vertex of an equilateraltriangle of side 12 cm as centre and a sectorof circle of radius 6 cm with centre b ismade. (use 3 = 1.73 and = 3.14.)(cbse 2014
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