English, asked by dastanushree32, 9 months ago

Explain, with reference to the context, any one:
i) Be caution'd then my Muse, and still retir'd ;
Nor be despised, aiming to be admir'd ;
All human things are subject to decay,
And when Fate Summons, Monarchs must obey


Answered by sawakkincsem

The given stanza is from a unique poem called The poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea.  


  • In these lines, the poetess is elaborating on being cautious since her gods have taken rest now.  
  • One should not hate gods or refrain from them. But they want to be admired and praised for all they have done.
  • She elaborates on how all humanly things decompose and fate follows an individual however it is written.
  • Everyone must do as it says.

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