Pl tell some quotes related to chapters in the english course book of class 10
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chapter 1 - Write quotes related to Faith.
chapter 2 - Write quotes related to Freedom.
chapter 3 - Write quotes related to part 1 - Courage & part 2 - Hope
chapter 4 - Write quotes related to Imagination of a child.
chapter 5 - Write quotes related to Judging people.
chapter 6 - write quotes related to Regret.
chapter 7 - No quotes
chapter 8 - No quotes. Just A story.
chapter 9 - write quotes related to Self-Confidence.
chapter 10 - write quotes related to the Reality of Death.
chapter 11 - No quotes. Just a play.
You can search the quotes on the following topics on Google. You can get much greater number of variety on Google.
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