place in order embryo, seed, plumule, radicle, cotyledons
name the following (1) the category of organisms that prepare their own food from basic raw material(2) the kind of plashs found in the meseophyll cel …
The seed is enclosed by a papery seed coat that acts as a protective layer from soil microbes. It varies in color from white to tan to black and different shades of red or pink.
The plumule is the part of a seed embryo that develops into the shoot bearing the first true leaves of a plant. In most seeds, for example the sunflower, the plumule is a small conical structure without any leaf structure. Growth of the plumule does not occur until the cotyledons have grown above ground.
Development of a Seed
The mature ovule develops into the seed. A typical seed contains a seed coat, cotyledons, endosperm, and a single embryo