place value / face value varies with its position or place in the number.
for example the no 4567
Step-by-step explanation:
in this the place value of 6 is 10 as it is in tens place
and its face value is 6
the place value of 5 is hundred
and face value is 5
a digits face value is the digit itself
place value varies with its position or place in the number
but face value of a digit don't change
- Place Value varies with position & place.
- Face value remains the same regardless of position & place.
Explanation :
Let us consider a number 2435
- For Place value :
Place value of 5 in 2435 = 5 [at ones place]
Place value of 3 in 2435 = 30 [at tens place]
Place value of 4 in 2435 = 400 [at hundredth place]
Place value of 2 in 2435 = 2000 [at thousandth place]
- For Face value :
Face value of 5 in 2435 = 5 [at ones place]
Face value of 3 in 2435 = 3 [at tens place]
Face value of 4 in 2435 = 4 [at hundredth place]
Face value of 2 in 2435 = 2 [at thousandth place]