Math, asked by djassi139, 8 months ago

place value of 2 in 1.25 is​


Answered by shravani200718

please mark me brainliest plzzzzzzzz

The place value of 2 in 1.25 is tenths.

Answered by dayaparmarparmar866

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's look at the number 0.27. First, mark 0.27 on the number line. Then, look at the chart below.

We see from the chart that 0.27 has 2 tenths and 7 hundredths, or 2

10 and 7

100 .

But that is two separate fractions. How can 0.27 be written as a single fraction?

0 . 2 7

ones tenths hund-


To find out, we add 2

10 + 7

100 = 20

100 + 7

100 = 27

100 . So, 0.27 is 27

100 or 27 hundredths.

find out, we add 2

10 + 7

100 = 20

100 + 7

100 = 27

100 . So, 0.27 is 27

100 or 27 hundredths.

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