Place value of a in 89046 is
6 onces 4tens 0hundred 9 thousand 8ten thousand
In number system value of a number depends on its position. For example, our decimal number system starts from ones,tens hundred, thousand, ten thousand and so on. Now to find the place value of a number , we have to see where is it positioned.
For example if a number say 5 is positioned at tens place its place value would be 5*10=50. Hence to calculate place value of a given number we multiply it with the value of its position in the number system.
Here the given problem is to find out the Place value of a in 89046 . Since the question is not clear, we will find out the place value of all the digits mentioned.
Place value of 6 is 6*1=6
Place value of 4 is 4*10=40
Place value of 0 is 0*100=000
Place value of 9 is 9*1000=9000
Place value of 8 is 8*10,000=80,000
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