English, asked by ManveerSS, 11 months ago

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Answered by manjula7282


A) he refers to the author


Answered by Cutegirl2120


Ans1 He refer to wind god.

Ans2 He does not pay heed to the request and wishes of people and keeps blowing violent and causing destruction.

Ans3 The houses and should be made strong to withstand the onslaught

of the violent wind.

question answer

Ans1 When the wind blows violently, it destroys everything. It breaksthe window shutters, scatters papers around, makes the books fall down, tears their pages and brings about heavy downpour.

Ans2 As friendship exists and thrives among equals, we can befriend the wind only by becoming as strong and forceful as he is. If we are physically and mentally strong, we can embrace it as a friend without being afraid of its fury.

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