Plane and write an email to a friend or relative telling him or her about the new transport.
Dear Jean
,Thanks your e-mail. In your email, you tell me about your travelling to Paris by airplane lastweek. I think you enjoyed your journey a lot. And you ask me about my avorite means o transport here and why I like it.!ell, I"d like to tell you about my avorite means o transport. In , there are many meanso transport su%h as train, airplane, %ar, bus, motor%y%le and bi%y%le. &ut, my avorite meanso transport is motor !hy I like it' There are some reasons I %hoose motle as aavorite mean o transport. (irst, motor%y%le is aster than bi%y%le, so I %an save time and goto work on time. )e%ond, there are very %rowd, be%ause trai% a%%idents %an happen. &ut,driving motor%y%le is saer and avoiding trai% jams. $ addition, with motor%y%le, I %andrive it on streets, highway or every where I want to visit. (inally, motor%y%le uses lessgasoline than %ar, so I %an save money. And, in my weekend or ree time, I %an take a trip or visit to my grandparents more easily.Those are some reasons I like motor%y%le. I have never traveled by airplane, but io believethat taking a trip with motor%y%le is not less wonderul than travelling by airplane.I look orward to getting your email some time.&est regards