plant kingdom examples learning trick
Primary classification
Flowering plants – Plants which bear flowers
Angiosperms – mango, peas, apple, sugarcane, and grass.
Gymnosperms – pine, fir, cedar, and spruce trees
Non-flowering plants – Plants which do not bear flowers
Algae – Chlamydomonas, and Spirogyra
Bryophyta – mosses
Pteridophyta – ferns
Classification and examples of plant kingdom based on habit
Herbs – Mustard, pea, paddy, and ladyfinger
Shrubs – China-rose, and oleander
Trees – mango, cedar, and spruce
Classification and examples of kingdom Plantae based on lifecycle
Annual – Wheat, peas, and rice
Biennial – Reddish, carrot, and turnip
Perennial – Guava, palm, and coconut.
Classification and examples of plant kingdom based on the mode of nutrition
Autotrophs – plants which prepare their food – Most green colored plants
Heterotrophs – Plant wich do not prepare food
Parasites – Cuscuta, and Viscum
Saprophytes – yeast, and fungi.
Classification and examples of kingdom Plantae based on habitat
Mesophytes – mango, and apple
Hydrophytes – Lotus, and water-lily
Xerophytes – Cactus