Science, asked by vinodsaini97, 1 year ago

plant matter found beneath the areas with water like swamp gradually turns into


Answered by Anonymous

&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;</p><p>&lt;html&gt;</p><p>&lt;head&gt;</p><p>&lt;style&gt;</p><p>#grad1 {</p><p>height: 300px;</p><p>background-color: red; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */</p><p>background-image: linear-gradient(to right, blue ,red,yellow,orange); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */</p><p>}</p><p>&lt;/style&gt;</p><p>&lt;/head&gt;</p><p>&lt;body&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;div id="grad1" style="text-align:center;margin:auto;color:#000000;font-size:20px;font-weight:bold"&gt;</p><p></p><p>The main wetland types are swamp, marsh, bog, and fen; sub-types include mangrove forest, carr, pocosin, floodplains, mire, vernal pool, sink, and many others. Many peatlands are wetlands. The water in wetlands is either freshwater, brackish, or saltwater. Wetlands can be tidal (inundated by tides) or non-tidal.</p><p></p><p>&lt;/div&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/body&gt;</p><p>&lt;/html&gt;</p><p>

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