plants can be both bracteate and bracteolate
he bract, bracteole, calyx, epicalyx, and other names are indeed specific terms for parts, or groups of parts, of flowers. Which part gets what name is determined by the way it grows on the plant, how it is attached to the plant, its shape, and its function.
The naming of flower parts is complicated by several factors. One, all the parts aren’t present in all flowers. Two, the parts may be very small, or the way they’re connected to the plant squished together and hard to see. Three, the parts may change roles in different species, e.g. the sepals may have color and the petals have none. Four, botanists don’t always agree on what is what. Five, a thing may be observed to be one way, then, when better tools are available (e.g. better microscopes,) it’s seen to be a different way. Six, sometimes the appearance or function of the flower part changes over the life of the plant. Seven, the same part can have more than one name. In other words, botanical taxonomy is complicated, confusing, convoluted, and can totally make you crazy.
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