Science, asked by Rudrathop, 1 year ago

Plants that obtain nutrients by trapping and digesting insects are called insectivorous
plants. These plants have chlorophyll in their leaves and therefore can make their own food
by photosynthesis. But these plants grow in places where soil lacks in certain nutrients
such as nitrogen. So leaves of these plants are modified to trap and kill small insects and
digest them to obtain protein (nitrogenous compounds) for their growth. These Plants are
called Carnivorous plants Few Examples are pitcher plant, Venus fly trap and sundew. The
Leaves of a pitcher plant are modified in to pitcher-like structures to trap insects. The tip
of the leaf is modified in to lid that can close or open the mouth of the pitcher. A fluid
containing many digestive juices is present at the bottom of the pitcher. These juices
digest the proteins present in the insect's body. The sundew plant has long needle like
structures called tentacles covered with a Sticky substance called mucilage. As an insect
touches the tentacles, it gets stuck in the mucilage. The tentacles, then fold inward and
wrap around the insect. The trapped insect is then digested.
1. What type of plants is called carnivorous plants?
2. Why do some plants depend on insects for food even though they have the ability to
3. "Pitcher plant is an example of insectivorous plant."
A) Mention the modification seen in pitcher plant.
B) Briefly describe the mechanism observed in pitcher plant to catch the insects.
4. How do Sundew plants digest an insect that comes in contact with the plant?


Answered by hemanthshree18


plants. These plants have chlorophyll in their leaves and therefore can make ... But these plants grow in places where soil lacks in certain nutrients such as nitrogen.

Answered by RaunakKumar96441


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