English, asked by kulwinderdhaliwal736, 7 months ago

plastic is a boon or a bane​


Answered by prekshapareek16


Plastic waste accumulated in land fills amount to a lot of soil pollution over the years since they are non-biodegradable. When plastic is burnt, the harmful fumes enter into the atmosphere and has direct effects upon someone who breathes it. And so, NO! we cannot eliminate plastic by burning it.

Answered by srija2029


Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? Essay |


The invention of plastic was hailed as man’s brilliance – a boon. It was light in weight and easy to mould. Within a very short time it replaced metal for items of daily use like buckets, pipes, ropes, some items of furniture and numerous other items; pens that we use, the bottles, our spectacle frames and even dress material! The markets were flooded with colourful plastic goods that were cheap and easy to maintain. Being cheap, people began to look at it as a dispensable commodity and a new term ‘use and throw’ became a way of life. Plastic bags and bottles have become the most common items.


Plastic when destroyed gives off obroxious fumes and toxins that are highly carcinogenic. However, it has become so much a part of our lives that we cannot do away with it completely. We can, as individuals, do our part by reducing its usage. Reuse the bottles, carry your own jute or cotton bags that are eco-friendly, instead of throwing away the pen, put its refill, and most importantly do not throw plastics any and everywhere. Our rivers are polluted with floating plastics, cows die after swallowing plastic bags containing vegetable leftovers, city drains get clogged and soil lose its fertility.

We, can easily turn to natural products like jute, cotton and other environmental friendly materials. Some state governments in India have already urged to minimise the use of plastic and awareness is being spread against use of plastic. It is only with a consorted effort from each of us that we can prevent plastic from choking our Mother Earth, in turn our own

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