English, asked by ghongesahil913, 1 month ago

Plastic pollution is a serious threat to the environment. Its impact is not only on us humans, but it
affects wildlife and other elements of nature as well. Director of UN Environment Programmes
Division of Communications and Public Information saw there is an urgent need to improve waste
management processes and scale up the search for alternatives.
The UN has commended India for taking exemplary actions to contain plastic pollution while
applauding our practices and innovations. There are various ways in which this environmental issue
can be tackled. Saying no to plastics, especially single use disposable plastic items is the need of the
hoor. Use of plastic is not an issue but its disposal is definitely a matter of concern
India, as a nation, should intensify due efforts to reduce the use of plastics. Let us pledge to reduce
the use of plastic. Let us reuse plastic and recycle it whenever possible. Let us pledge not to dispose
plastics in water bodies. Let us support our government in their initiatives to reduce the use of
A2. Which environmental problem is highlighted in the extract? Which action taken by India is
recognised by the UN?


Answered by pragya1254


1.Plastic pollution is the environmental problem which is highlighted in the extract.

2.The action taken by India is recognised by the UN for taking exemplary actions to contain plastic pollution while applauding our practices and innovations.

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