English, asked by izmamemon26072009, 1 month ago

ple. The hors
long subject and the long:
Dendor's stall
in the basis of the
Declarative: to mais
a statement that
Example: I've fores
the password to my
Then identify the subject and the predicate of each sentence:
1. badly/are very/Mrs Russell's/behaved/children
2. the woman whom/ at the station/is missing/I helped yesterday
3. got into/police officer /Kiran/with the/an argument
4. run out/for the rest/of funds/of the year/we have
5. shut down/has/the corner shop
6. the village/overnight/flooded/the river
7. of the/the history/is fascinating/Mayan people
8. learning anything/are capable of/children
9. from me/who lives alone/the lady/is ill/next door
10. to stay/are coming/with us/my uncle and aunt
11. all your homework/of the vacation/for the last day/don't leave
12. for the match/practise harder/next week/we should
13. has made/technology/in the past two decades/giant leaps of
14. is not advisable/on a full stomach/swimming
15. a troubled mind/can soothe/music
16. has a negative impact/on health/eating junk food frequently
17. Indian states/has lived/in fifteen/our geography teacher
18. are delayed today/coming from Chennai/most of the flights
19. at airports/are prohibited/photography and videography
20. for basketball practice/are going/we/after school
the inter
or thou
the sky
et's Remem
On the basis
kind of sento
1. What a
2. Don't
3. Can I
Here the subject is short but the predicate is quite long. We could now combi
Example: The hou who joined our class last week is ill because he ate junk food at
Rewrite the sentences with correct punctuation by rearranging the given​


Answered by bhavika97


what is today the modern state of Karnataka, India.[1][2] Before the rise of the Kadambas, the centres of power ruling the land were outside the Karnataka region; thus the Kadambas' ascent to power as an independent geo-political entity, with Kannada, the language of the soil as a major regional language, is a landmark event in the history of modern Karnataka with Mayurasharma as an important historical figure. The earliest Kannada language inscriptions are attributed to the Kadambas of Banavasi.[3]Mayurasharma (Kannada: ಮಯೂರಶರ್ಮ) (or Mayuravarma (Kannada: ಮಯೂರವರ್ಮ)) (reigned 345–365 C.E.), a Kannada scholar and a native of Talagunda (in modern Shimoga district), was the founder of the Kadamba Kingdom of Banavasi, the earliest native kingdom to rule over what is today the modern state of Karnataka, India.[1][2] Before the rise of the Kadambas, the centres of power ruling the land were outside the Karnataka region; thus the Kadambas' ascent to power as an independent geo-political entity, with Kannada, the language of the soil as a major regional language, is a landmark event in the history of modern Karnataka with Mayurasharma as an important historical figure. The earliest Kannada language inscriptions are attributed to the Kadambas of Banavasi.[3]

  1. good morning
  2. have a nice day

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