Computer Science, asked by hidayatspring2019, 11 months ago

Pleae define advantages and disadvantages of Texture Based facial Animation/Re-Targating


Answered by mayankshende812


Abstract We present a method,for transferring facial animation in real-time. The source animation may,be an existing D animation or 2D data providing by a video tracker or a motion capture system. Based on two sets of feature points manually,selected on the source and tar- get faces (the only manual work required), a RBF network is trained and provides a geometric transformation between the two faces. At each frame, the RBF transformation is applied on the new feature points positions of the source face, resulting in new positions for target feature points according with the expression of the source face and the morphology,of the target face. According to their dis- placements along time, we deform the target mesh on the GPU with the linear blend skinning (LBS) method. In order to make,our ap- proach attractive to novice user, we propose a procedural technique to automatically rig the target face by generating vertices weights for the skinning deformation. To summarize, our method provides interactive expression transfer with a minimal,human,intervention during setup and accepts various kind of animation sources. CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional

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