please ans and make sentences

lead nation learn great beat
spoke breed grief latest
Sentences on the following words:
Writes: She writes up the letter.
Skip: Today, I have skipped my lunch.
Roast: Ron ate a roasted meat ball.
Read: A group of students read an article.
Learn: We should try to learn new things in our life.
Beat: Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.
Spoke: I spoke in the meeting about the progress.
Great: Akbra was a great king.
Regret: We regreted to her statement.
Pleasure: It was a great pleasure to meet you.
Grief: She did not show her grief when her son died.
Latest: This is the lastest model of smart phone.
Breed: Some animals will not breed in cages.
Lead: He speculated that this might lead to a success.
Nation: We should be proud of our soldiers who scarfice for our nation.
Hope it helps you.