please answer 1st question by reading paragraph
no , company to Raghav . company isnot owned by raghav .
leave justice for a while. A multinational company (MNC) has a lot of branches . An MNC is not favourable to one . It always wants better performance such that the company can improve the standards. and start another company. It always want profits.and gave lot of employment sources.In case of Raghav, he works in an MNC.His job is to perform better to rise the company. Actually the company doesn't support one who loses his company turnover and pride and also value.The owner supports ajay because of his work. maybe he is better than raghav to develop the company.
In positive way the company is doing justice to raghav as they were placed raghav in their company as he was not giving his best. so it is good as he get improvement in work than ajay.