please answer all the questions ( short answer type)

- ans 21 - sodium - sources : table salt, soya sauce
functions : needed for proper fluid balance
- chlorine - sources : table salt, soya sauce
functions : proper fluid balance
- potassium - sources: fresh fruit, vegetables
functions : nerve transmission
ans 22 - calcium make strong bone and teeth
sources - milk and milk products
ans 23- nuts and seeds contain magnesium
functions - nerve transmission
ans 24 - in haemoglobin iron is present
sources - egg, egg yolk, meat, fish
ans 25 - importance of water are :
- regulations of body temperature
- sweating
- helps in digestion
ans 26 - diseases related with low water intake are kidney stones and urinary tract infection. Diseases related with high fibre intake are hyponatraemia
ans 27-food fibre is of a macronutrients called roughage which comes from undigested part of food. advantages - keeps digestive system healthy and prevent constipation, calon cancer, obesity
ans 28- types of fibre are:
- soluble fibre - pectin, gums and mucilage
example - oats and barley
- insoluble fibre - cellulose, henicellulose and ligin of plant cell wall
example - fruits and vegetables
ans 29 - diseases related with less fibre intake are -
- constipation
- obesity
- irritable bowel syndrome
hope this helps you dear ♥ ♥ ♥
hey lisa
dear please don't leave....i am not even saying anything to you. I know the situation you are going through. But atleast be here for your good friends like Kristen57. I know how all these dramas going on and even try to make jiya understand but she start thinking that i'm supporting you and cheating on her....just things are going worse! i am sorry for all these but plz stop now