Computer Science, asked by saishasharma23, 2 months ago

Please answer as soon as possible very urgent .. ​



Answered by omeirsingh07


A.Versility : computers are versatile we can perform different types of jobs using a computer it can be used for internet access for listening to music for education and business and other tasks.

B. Diligence : the computers unlike human beings does not get tired or bored ,It can be operated for hours on end thus providing to be very productive.

C.Acurracy: all calculations are done using computer are accurate in rare cases you may find errors but these errors are not because of computer there are result of wrong inputs given by human beings while developing a problem or while feeding the data the accuracy of computer is more almost 100%.

D. Speed: the processing speed of a computer is very high it can perform task infuse seconds normal person would take hours to complete it can carry out thousandth of simple mathematical operation in a matter of few seconds it speed is measured in nanoseconds 1 billionth 10 raised to power minus 9 of a second.

Sorry I know this much only I hope it helps

thank you.

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