please answer correctly
I have a confusion please help:
print('Hello dear user')
print('In this dictionary you can find the meaning of some of the selected words')
print('selected words are 1.guilty 2.infuriate 3.incredible 4.respond')
dic = {"guilty":"fell ashamed", "infuriate":"angry","incredible":"amazing","respond":"answer"}
print("enter your word")
x = input()
for keys in dic:
if x in dic:
print('the answer is - '+dic[x])
print( x + ' is not in dictionary')
print('thank you for using dictionary')
Output ——
Hello dear user
In this dictionary you can find the meaning of some of the selected words
selected words are 1.guilty 2.infuriate 3.incredible 4.respond
enter your word
the answer is - fell ashamed
the answer is - fell ashamed
the answer is - fell ashamed
the answer is - fell ashamed
guilty is not in dictionary
thank you for using dictionary
[Program finished]
I m confused why I am getting answer 4 times repeatedly???!
Answered by
1 : having committed a crime : justly charged with a specified crime guilty of larceny. 2 : involving guilt or culpability guilty knowledge. guilty. noun. Legal Definition of guilty (
may it helps you
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