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all living beings are directly or indirectly dependent on each other as there is a food chain also for example if carnivores won't eat herbivores then those herbivores will eat all the plants which will result to less of oxygen.
second example plants and humans are also dependent on each other as if there will be no humans then plants won't get any carbondioxide and if there won't be any plants then human cannot live as you know plants produse oxygen
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Yes every living being in some or the other way is dependent for eg: plants we depend on plants for food we depend directly or indirectly on plants for competing our daily activities
We do depend on animals for our own needs such as : food , fodder etc importantly we humans depend on other humans let it be doubts on particular thing of let it be for competing with our daily things
We can take an example with parents we do directly depend on them for food or packing whatsoever. We can take an example of animals- animal or plant they depend on other animal for food the basic need of survival and maintenance of ecological balance
So with these we can tell that every organism depends on other organism for their survival
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