English, asked by SiddheshVispute, 6 months ago

please answer fast



Answered by h3lpp1zz

Success means earning more money


Earning money and success are two different things. Earning money can be a part of being successful; however, earning money cannot be called success. There have been many affluent people, but they cannot be called successful. On the other hand there have been many successful men and women and they were not affluent.


Someone anonymous has beautifully said the following words about money that sum up much about money and success: "Money can buy you a bed but not sleep. Money can buy you a clock but not time. Money can buy you a book but not knowledge. Money can buy you a position but not respect. Money can buy you medicine but not health. Money can buy you blood but not life."


Money can be earned by hook or crook, but success can only be achieved through hard work, perseverance, dedication and character. Money might bring you temporary happiness, but success brings you eternal elation. Success means being able to do whatever you want to achieve.


If you have a dream, and you fail to turn that dream into reality, you won’t know what success is. Success actually is the good power that can turn any dream into reality. The famous American statesman, Colin Powell says, “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.”

All successes originate in mind. First of all it makes its presence felt in the form of a vision, idea, inspiration, or a dream. Turning the mental concept into tangible reality requires a long effort and perseverance. The entire course that leads to successful realization of one’s dream is ridden with obstacles, discouragements, failures, and setbacks. The person who wishes to be successful and is discouraged by failures can never ever taste the manna of success. The truth is our failures our stepping stones by whose medium we reach success.

You will find that everyone wants to earn money; but you will find that only the courageous and dedicated people long to be successful. So whenever you are faced with a dilemma concerning making a choice between success and earning money, we should always choose success as money follows success automatically.          

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