please answer fast and properly
please don't spam Answer correctly
a. asked, was, told, was
b. began, digested, had eaten, was
c. refused, standing, will be, began
Hope it helps☺
a) On seeing the personnel, the man protested and asked if it was not necessary to include in this Commission a member from his side. But he told that it was impossible.
b) I put my hand in my coat pocket to pay the bill. I began sweating profusely and almost digested in an instant all that I had eaten. The reason was that my wallet was not there.
c) My hands refused to move. I saw in my imagination a man standing in the crowd stark naked and without his eyes. Life was going to end like that. I began to undo one by one the buttons of my trousers.
There are three types of tenses and their further classifications as discussed below:
→ The Present Tense
✳ Simple present tense
✳ Present continuous tense
✳ Present perfect tense
✳ Present perfect continuous tense
→ The Past Tense
✳ Simple past tense
✳ Past continuous tense
✳ Past perfect tense
✳ Pas perfect continuous tense
→ The Future Tense
✳ Simple Future tense
✳ Future continuous tense
✳ Future perfect tense
✳ Future perfect continuous tense