please answer fast . Article writing in 120 to 150 words
what can you do to live a good life
The problems of eating unhealthy food can cause you obesity, high blood pressure many people die from heart disease. People usually become unhealthy because of many things like bad thoughts or something that scarred them for life and that they think eating makes them feel good and makes them happy. The reason for this is that the brain makes them become addicted to what they tasted and food makes them feel something they have never felt. They feel warmth around them and happiness.
Reasons why people eat healthy is to maintain weight, keeps your self healthy, makes your immune system strong to fight off any viruses. Many people think of good thoughts healthy mindset. This improves people in many ways . Eating healthy is very good as it helps you fight everything and keeps you safe. Even if you take healthy eating many people have to also do exercise to maintain the healthy ways.