please answer for this

Sumit Arora
315 F block
Happy Gardens
New Colony
10th March 2020
The Chief Engineer
Subject: Request for speed breakers.
Respected sir/ma'am,
I am the resident of new colony , Delh. I am writing this letter to brng the problem of fast running bikes in our area to your notice. From the past week, I am noticing that there are innumerable rash bikers who r catching speed like a bullet train n rushing through the road.
People r suffering bcuz of this. They r some old n handicapped people who need to stand for a long time to cross the roads. If the same continues, ths may lead to accidents n this place may bcum like a hell.
I request the concerned authorities to look into the matter n solve the problem as soon as possible.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sumit Arora.
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