Hindi, asked by MadhushreeDey794, 7 months ago

Please answer if you can


Anonymous: hello


Answered by Anonymous

Black hole:-

A black hole is a region of space time where gravity is so strong that nothing-no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light-can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a blackhole.

White hole:-

In generally relativity,a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity which cannot be entered from the outside , although energymatter,light and information can escape from it. White holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes.

MadhushreeDey794: please dont spam on anyone's question
MadhushreeDey794: if you dont know then do not answer
Answered by sanjnasharma1


I think

1 नीचे

2 ठंडा

3 अमीर

4 शाम

5 खुला

sanjnasharma1: Thank uuuu
MadhushreeDey794: thank you
MadhushreeDey794: your answer is correct
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