Please answer it .........
Answer:Three main factors that is used to describe behavior according to Kelly:
A) Consensus: Whether other people behave the same as we are considering this information regarding to which or specific person shows the behavior of one person is shown by others as well. Consensus shows in formation on how other people in the same situation and the same stimulus behave.
Example: When Diego goes out for a meal with his friend, he orders Spanish food. if his friend also orders Spanish food the consensus in this situation is high. If only he orders consensus is low.
B) Consistency: Whether the person behaves the same way over time. This life regarding the extent to which a specific person shows similar behavior to a given stimulus across time. How frequent the individual’s behavior can be observed with similar stimulus but varied situations.
Example: When a person who has negative attitude towards the food (mushroom) shows high attitude behavior consistency.
C) Distinctiveness: Whether a person behaves the same way in different situations. This information regarding the extent to which the person reacts in the same manner to different stimuli or situations.
Example: If Gemma chews gum only when she eats outside; distinctiveness of her behaviour is high. But distinctiveness is low when she chews gum all the time.
hy sorry i did not answer the question