please answer it fast

I don't know what i will tell to you
It was a bright day and I was reading book in my lawn and suddenly a man threw a bag in your garden and ran away. The bag was looking so suspicious, after than I told to my parents and my parents concered and said to call police. After sometime police came but the siren of police car the neighbours gathered and they checked the bag, the bag has a sound of tik tik tik which was like a bomb. Everyone was afraid when police said that the bomb is in this bag, everyone shouted and started running here and there. police just said everyone not to fear they will save them and said them to be in there houses after that police called the bomb squad who was checking the bag and after checking the bag with the bomb senser stick the senser stick does not sensed anything. After sometime the bomb squad opened the bag and we saw that the in the bag there is a old clock with old clothes.