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Irasingh95Helping Hand
hey mate
me - hi mr ramesh pockriyal I guess u might be busy doing such a great and hard work u are managing and developing human resources in india thanks a lot for that I salute u
ramesh ji - thanks for your respect for me
me - there are some questions related to my mind regarding the effects of covid 19 on Indian education can u answer them
ramesh ji - sure pls ask.
me - I am very unhappy bcz school has closed and we are not able to do studies properly what can u say about this
ramesh ji- see beta be confident think about your country and pray to the God that everything is fine u have to be self dependent
me - great one more question will this year be waste for us
ramesh ji - not at all this is the time to improve yourself and learn new things tabhi to badhega india
me - thanks sir I promise that I will improve myself
ramesh ji - this should be the spirit
hey mate this is the ans pls mark me as brainliest pls pls