please answer me brainlest

1) the king done right thing at the right time. Explain giving one example from the lesson?
ANS) He offered the hermit his help in digging the ground. He did this till evening. This helped him avoid the attack planned by the bearded man. He helped the bearded man bandaging his wound and offered him water.
2)What does the poet observe in the squirrel?
ANS)The poet observes the squirrel in his garden. His tail seems like a question mark because when he sits, the tail shapes as curve. His body is covered like with a gray coat. He likes to play and tease others.
3)What quality of an ant do you wish in inculcate and
ANS)The qualities that the poet wants to see in his countrymen are fearlessness, self dignity, knowledge, truthfulness, diligence, rationality and a broad-mind. These qualities are required if they are to enjoy their country's freedom to the fullest.