please answer me fast

incubater: a machine used in hospitals for keeping small or big baby alive in controlled conditions.
moulting: (use about an animal or a bird) to lose hair or feathers before drawing new ones.
cocoon: a covering of thin thread that some insects make to protect themselves before becoming adult.
thrown silk: silk throwing is the industrial process wearein silk that has been reeled into skeins, is cleaned, received a twist and is wound onto bobbins. The yarn is now twisted together with threads, in a a process known as doubling.
weighting: term weighting is a procedure that take place during the Text indexing process in order to assess the value of each term to the document.
Exotic breeds: exotic breeds are used for cross breeding. exotic means foreign is not native. an exotic developed some where and brought to an area.
this is the answer please like me as a brainlist
ok so you don't want to fight you u don't want I will also not
I am boy