please answer me guys..

Estrogen - stimulates LH release
FSH- Promotes growth of ovarian follicle and estrogen production
LH- triggers ovulation; converts ruptured follicle to corpus luteum
Progesterone - lack causes blood vessels to link and endometrium to slough off
I'll give you the hormonal events of menstrual cycle in short:
First FSH from anterior pituitary stimulates the developing follicles to mature and produce estrogen
The estrogen level increases in the blood
This estrogen stimulates ant pituitary to
release LH
This LH in turn acts on the graffian follicle causing it's rupture - ovulation
After ovulation LH stimulates the formation of corpus luteum which produces progesterone
This progesterone maintains the endometrium for implantation of fertilized ovum
If fertilization doesn't take place the corpus luteum degenerated into corpus albicans
Progesterone level decreases
This causes sloughing of the endometrium during menstruation
Hope this helps
Hey mate here is your answer,
a. Estrogen -stimulate lh release by anterior pituitary
b. FSH -promotes growth of ovarian follicles and oestrogen
c. LH. -triggers ovulation
d. Progesterone. -of this hormone causes blood vessels to kink and endometrium to slough off