please answer me my questions and correct don't fake answer I will report you okay

I do rainwater harvesting,close the tap while brushing,I use bucket instead of pipe for washing vehicles
I switch off lights ,fans,AC,when not needed or when someone not there
I use paper from both sides instead of using one side,
I give my finished book to raddiwala(translate) instead of burning it
elaborate the points
mark as brainliest
hope it helps you!!
have a nice day and follow
I dont which one u r asking so I am giving both answers .
If I would be a saviour of resources the following are the ways to save.
a. water:- we must not waste water when we are brushing.we should bath with the use of buckets not using of shower.
b.electricity:- when there no need of using of any fans or machines if ur not there in room.
c.paper;:- You should not waste the paper when you have striken a line and you got angry and u tear the paper they can be recycled.
one tonne of paper needs 3000 trees to be cut
The symbol which are given in the figure are of important 3R's. they are reduce recycle reuse
Reduce :- this means that we must use the resources in a proper way.
Reuse:- this means use the resources very less so that we can use it for the future needs.
Recycle:- this means that using of the resources again and again so that the environment would not be harmed.