please answer me please

1.The seed coat certainly represents a first line of defense against adverse external factors, but it also acts as channel for transmitting environmental cues to the interior of the seed. The latter function primes the seed to adjust its metabolism in response to changes in its external environment.
Petal: The parts of a flower that are often conspicuously colored. Stamen: The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther. Anther: The part of the stamen where pollen is produced. Pistil: The ovule producing part of a flower.
3.Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds.
4.As a plant's reproductive part, a flower contains a stamen (male flower part) or pistil (female flower part), or both, plus accessory parts such as sepals, petals, and nectar glands (Figure 19). The stamen is the male reproductive organ.
5.In these plants only the green parts of the leaf can photosynthesize, because the white parts have no chlorophyll. A leaf has all its chloroplasts ready and waiting – what else does it need for photosynthesis? Carbon Dioxide – This gas enters through pores called stomata located on the underside of the leaf.
just I know until 7 one any my be my answer helps you
1. answer: The seed coat certainly represents a first line of defense against adverse external factors.
2. answer: Petal The parts of a flower that are often conspicuously colored
3. answer: Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.
4. answer: Structure. As a plant's reproductive part, a flower contains a stamen (male flower part) or pistil (female flower part), or both, plus accessory parts such as sepals, petals, and nectar glands The stamen is the male reproductive organ.
5. answer: Leaf cells are full of organelles called chloroplasts, which contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs light. ... In these plants only the green parts of the leaf can photosynthesize, because the white parts have no chlorophyll.
6. answer: When a flower is a bud, it is surrounded by sepals, which in many cases are green, as in this example. They protect the flower bud and are behind/underneath the petals when the flower opens. Together, all of the sepals are called a calyx.
7. answer: Plants usually considered holoparasites include broomrape, dodder, Rafflesia, and the Hydnoraceae. Plants usually considered hemiparasites include Castilleja, mistletoe, Western Australian Christmas tree, and yellow rattle.
Category:Parasitic plants