please answer me quickly
they are formed from the remains of dead animals and plants.they are in the form of coal , fuel, oil, natural gas....
Fossil fuels such as Coal, Oil and Gas are some of the most important natural resources that we use everyday. These fossil fuels are all Hydrocarbons, they are compounds formed from only two elements, Carbon and Hydrogen.
Fossil fuels are used to produce energy; in the home they are burned to produce heat, in large power stations they are used to produce electricity and they are also used to power engines. The bonds between the Hydrogen and Carbon atoms store energy, by burning the compounds in the presence of Oxygen the bonds are broken and the stored energy is converted to heat energy, forming Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the process.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, this means that their supply is limited and they will eventually run out. Fossil fuels formed from the decomposition of plants and animals from millions of years ago this is why they are called fossil fuels.